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Girl Hiking in Mountains

Join Troop 1176

New or experienced.  We want you!

If you're a female youth and new to Boy Scouts of America and are thinking about joining the Scouts BSA program, or if you are currently a Cub Scout looking for a troop to join, we hope that you'll consider Troop 1176.  Scouting is a great program and Troop offers a wide range of opportunities for girls ages 10 to 18.  Scout BSA troops vary widely in size, activities, and programs.  When looking for a troop to join, it's important to make sure you find a "goodness of fit" — the leaders, scouts, activities and overall "feel" should be a good match. Troop 1176 sets our activities to best meet both the immediate and long term needs of our Scouts.


Who can join?

Troop 1176 is a Scouts BSA troop for girls. 


We serve girls who:

  • have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old or

  • have earned the Arrow of Light and are at least 10 years old, or are age 11 but have not reached age 18.

Is the scout not yet old enough for Scouts BSA?

Contact our Scoutmaster for information about Pack 3176.

Pack 3176 is a Cub Scout pack for youth Kindergarten to fifth grade and has both girl and boy dens. 


Is the scout a youth male age 10-17?

Contact our Scoutmaster for information about Troop 1179.

Troop 1179 is a Scouts BSA troop for male youth.

I'd like to visit the troop

If you are interested in joining our troop we encourage you to come to one of our meetings.  It's important that the potential scout see what our meetings, troop leadership and vibe is like.  To visit our troop contact our Scoutmaster either by phone (805) 794-7915 or email him at

I'm ready to join

So you're ready to join our troop?  GREAT!  Welcome aboard!  Below is the registration process. 


The Youth Application

Our troop can supply you with this form when you come and visit or you can download a copy, fill it out and bring us two signed copies.  This form needs to be turned in to the Council office to register your scout with BSA Nationally.  The Troop retains a copy of this completed form for our own records.  We will need one completed Youth Application for each registering scout.


The Adult Application

We welcome male and female adult volunteers.  If you are a parent or adult that would like to volunteer under any capacity or if you would like to participate in overnight outings you will need to be a registered adult.  The application process includes a background check and you will also need to complete a free online Youth Protection Training and possibly other training specific to your volunteer position.  


Our troop can supply you with this form when you come and visit or you can download a copy, fill it out and bring us two signed copies.  This form needs to be turned in to the Council office to register you with BSA Nationally.  The Troop retains a copy of this completed form for our own records.  We will need one completed Adult Application for each registering adult volunteer.


Fees Due at Registration

When compared to the cost of sports and many other activities, there is no doubt that Scouting delivers great value to its members!


Upon registration we will need:

$33 per scout for registration*

$33 per registered adult for registration**

$100 per scout for yearly dues***


Of course, these costs may be offset by unit fundraising and other available scholarship funds. Please contact Scoutmaster for details.


*The youth registration fee to join Scouting is paid annually and covers the scouts' registration, insurance, and a subscription to Boys' Life Magazine (soon to be Scouts' Life Magazine). 

**The adult registration fee to volunteer is paid annually and covers the adults' registration, insurance, and a subscription to Scouting Magazine.

***Dues cover monthly program costs, patches and advancement awards, supplies for activities and for new/replacement/repair of troop equipment. 



The official Scouts BSA uniform is a part of the Scouts BSA program and therefore required.  We do however understand that it may take some time for new scouts to get the full uniform and give all new Scouts several weeks to purchase their uniform.

For a list of Scout uniform pieces your Scout will need look here.


Uniforms parts can be purchased online at or locally at:

Scout Store - Ventura County Council

509 E Daily Dr,

Camarillo, CA 93010

(805) 482-8938


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©2019 by Troop 1176.

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