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  • What is the age range for joining Scouts BSA Troop 1176?
    Young girls can join Troop our troop who have earned the Arrow of Light rank and are at least 10 years old, or have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10, or who are 11, but not yet 18 years old. If you have other younger children or boys in this age range and are intersted in the program please contact our Scoutmaster for information about his other Troop and Den.
  • What is Family Scouting?
    We are excited that the Cub Scouting and Scouts BSA program (program formerly known as Boy Scouting) is now open to both boys and girls. By welcoming both girls and boys into the programs, more youth will have access to the character development and values-based leadership that Scouting promises. For more information visit:
  • Is BSA co-ed now?
    In short, no. Scouts BSA troops are all single-gender - all boys or all girls. Cub Scout packs, can include boys and girls. Cub Scout dens however will also be single-gender — all boys or all girls.
  • Can my other children join Scouting?
    Yes! While Troop 1176 is for older female Scouts the BSA has Scouting programs for boys and girls of many ages. Our Scoutmaster also happens to be Cubmaster to Cub Scout Pack 3176 which has Dens for youth in Kindergarten to fifth grade. Our Scoutmaster is also the Scoutmaster to Troop 179, a troop for boys ages 11 to 17 years. If you are interested having your other children join please contact our Scoutmaster for more information and to schedule a visit.
  • What is the parent’s role?
    Our patrol and troop meetings are intended to be an activity for youth and are scout-led however parental involvement is not forbidden. If a parent or guardian would like to be present during a troop meeting, they are welcomed to observe. Although the meetings are scout-led we cannot succeed without the cooperation and involvement of our adults. While the Scouts plan and execute their program, the adults sometimes provide logistical support and ensure safety in the execution of the program. One adult from each scout’s family is expected to volunteer and become involved in some capacity in support of the program. There are opportunities for adults to register for an ongoing position on the troop committee or as an assistant Scoutmaster. We also have many other opportunities that require as little 2 hours per month. Some of these include Merit Badge Counselor, Board of Review participant, Tour Leader, etc. We pledge that in keeping with the BSA rules for “Two-Deep Leadership”, you will never have to do a job alone!
  • What do I need as an adult to be involved?
    All troops are chartered to a local organization which serves as a sponsor of Scouting and is essentially the owner/operator of the Scouting unit. There is a liaison between the unit and the chartered organization called the Charter Organization Representative (AKA Charter Org Rep). Our Charter Org Rep approves all adult volunteer leaders. To be approved leaders are required to take our child safety course called “Youth Protection,” and specific training for their role. These trainings are available either online or in-person in a classroom setting. Leaders are also required to pass a criminal background check. Once an adult has registered, fulfils the required training, and passes a background check they can then participate and volunteer under their role.
  • What supplies and equipment does a Scout need?
    The single most important piece of equipment a Scout needs is the Scout Handbook. The uniform is also very important as it plays an essential role in creating a sense of belonging, and it’s where Scouts get to display their awards and rank achievements. Additional supplies and equipment may be needed for certain activities such as camping trips or field days. Some of this equipment will be provided by the troop while some may have to be provided by the Scout.
  • How much does it cost to be a Scout?
    The annual registration fee is $33. Our troop also requires a yearly fee of $60 for dues to cover the cost of certain activities and program supplies. The Scout Handbook costs $17.99 The field uniform costs about $100 Uniform ball cap $17.99 Campaign hat (used for council events and summer camp ceremonies) $109.99 We understand that new scouts need time to collect all of their scouting needs and we give you time to do so. Some uniform parts don't have to be BSA official items, speak to an adult leader for more information. Fundraising also helps with the cost of supplies and activitiy costs. Uniforms and other supplies can be ordered online or can be purchased in person at our local Scout shop. Ventura County Council Scout Store 509 East Daily Drive Camarillo, CA 93010 Phone: (805) 482-8938 Website:
  • How often does Troop 1176 meet?
    Currently our troop has one patrol therefore scouts meet once a week for troop meetings. As our new Webelo’s bridge up from Cub Scouts and once we get other new recruits the troop will be divided into more patrols and the troop will have less weekly meetings. Each patrol will then decide on the days and times that work best for them to hold their Patrol Meetings. Our troop also holds other special activities, such as a service projects and outdoor experiences, in place of one of the weekly meetings or in addition to the weekly meetings.
  • What is the PLC?
    The PLC (Patrol Leaders Council) consists of the SPL (Senior Patrol Leader), ASPLs (Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders), Patrol Leaders and Troop Guides. The PLC meets briefly after each Troop meeting to assess the meeting and confirm plans for the next meeting. The scouts comprising the PLC hold a longer monthly planning meeting to plan the next month's troop meetings and campouts.
  • Who runs the troop?
    The senior patrol leader who is elected by the Scouts. For more information, visit .
  • Who plans the meetings and activities?
    The Patrol Leaders’ Council made up of the senior patrol leader, who presides over the meetings, the assistant senior patrol leader, all patrol leaders, and the troop guide.
  • What is a patrol?
    A Scout patrol is a small team of normally six to eight Scouts where patrol members learn skills together, share responsibilities and take on leadership roles. For more information, visit the Patrol Leader page.
  • How can I learn more about Troop 1176?
    If you would like additional information you may Contact Us and encourage you to schedule a visit to one of our meetings. This way you can see how we function for yourself.
  • When and where do the scouts hold meetings?
    Currently, Troop meetings are Thursday nights from 7:00-8:30 pm at 4839 Market Street Ventura, CA. This may change as our troop grows and splits up into more patrols.
  • How does the troop decide activities and events?
    The Scouts plan all outings and meetings through the Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC).
  • How is the Troop organized?
    Troop 1176’s Scout leaders hold an annual planning meeting to vote on outings that are added to the Troop calendar. The scouts themselves then plan the details for each outing with a Scout in Charge who is responsible for the event and oversees all the details. Patrol Leaders work with the scouts in their patrol to plan their participation in each event, too.
  • Can I visit Troop 1176?
    Yes! Any girls and parent or den leader can visit Troop 1176’s meetings. All we ask is that you contact the Scoutmaster to verify the troop schedule as the troop sometimes meets at alternative locations.
  • Are uniforms required?
    Yes, uniforms are one of the methods of scouting. We are full uniform troop and Scouts wear field uniforms to all troop meetings and when traveling. Scouts wear activity uniforms (aka Class B) for informal events.
  • How often does the troop go on outings?
    Troop 1176 scouts go on monthly activities that include camping, hiking, backpacking, canoeing, plus much, much, more! Troop 1176 is also an active participant in numerous Council and community service events.
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©2019 by Troop 1176.

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