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Troop 1176 on February 1st, 2019, Boy Scouts of America Ventura County Council office on the first day that older girls can join Scouts BSA. From left to right Cindy Hernandez-District Executive, Marina Valenzuela-Assistant Scoutmaster, Peter Nystrom, Assistant Scout Executive/C.O.O., Isis Nuno-Scout, Cadence Oerlemans-Scout, Claire Erickson-Scout, Cameron Long-Scout, Allan Oerlemans.

Our History

The most worthwhile thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others"

- Lord Baden Powel, founder and first Chief Scout of the "world-wide Boy Scout Movement

Troop 1176 was first founded in Ventura, CA by Scoutmaster Allan Oerlemans and under the charter by Seaside Prints.  Troop 1176 first began with 4 original founding female scout members.  They began meeting together in an unofficial capacity in preparation for the launch of the Scouts BSA program’s “Scout Me In” campaign.  The “Scout Me In” campaign celebrates the BSA’s historic decision to serve families and welcome girls and boys into Scouting so they can experience the character-building fun and adventure the program brings to life in communities across the country.

On February 1st, 2019, the Scouts BSA program's launch date, three of Troop 1176’s scouts arrived at the BSA Ventura County Council office at the opening time and in full uniform eager to become an official troop.  Ventura County Council graciously welcomed the troop with enthusiasm in a welcoming ceremony.  The media was present while Development Director Andrea McClellan Live Streamed video of her introducing the troop and Scoutmaster Oerlemans ceremoniously turning in the troop’s paperwork.  Troop 1176 hoisted the council’s flag and led a flag ceremony. 


Below are the names of the youth and adults who joined Troop 1176 in the first year, making them all founding members.


Allan Oerlemans - Scoutmaster

Marina Valenzuela - Assistant Scoutmaster

Brian Sisk - Assistant Scoutmaster & Committee Member

Johnathan Abbey - Merit Badge Counselor

Samantha Oerlemans - Committee Chairman

Karen Erickson - Committee Member

Matt Whitney - Chartered Organization Rep.


Cadence Oerlemans

Cameron Long

Claire Erickson

Elise Sisk

Isis Nuno

Madison Sisk

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©2019 by Troop 1176.

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